I experienced an interesting incident the other day.
I had cleaned my new car and then, still on a roll,
decided that it would also be a good idea to fill up the wash wipe and check
the oil. I duly opened the bonnet and checked the manual in order
to locate the wash wipe reservoir. This was the first time I’d opened the
bonnet of my new car, and I really didn’t want to ruin things by putting water
and screen wash in the wrong place, so I was taking the time to get it right.
While I was studying the manual, the dustmen appeared to
empty the bins in our road. I don’t know if it’s just my perception, but I
always get the impression that these guys like to be noticed. My impression
was confirmed when one of them called out to me, ‘Do you need a hand?’ I smiled
and politely declined. He followed up with: ‘Are you sure? My friend here’s a
‘I think I can manage the wash wipe,’ I replied, laughing.
All in good humour, of course, but do I really look that much in need of help? The car was parked in my
parking space, in front of my house, so I clearly wasn't stranded. And it
wasn't as if steam was billowing from the engine or something. If I had been
male and in the same situation—studying the manual with the bonnet open—would
the dustmen have offered their help? I doubt it somehow.
While I’d be the first to admit that I'm no mechanic, I do
feel vaguely uncomfortable that just because of my gender it is assumed straight off
that I can’t be competent in the car maintenance department...